This is our blog page where we hope to pass on valuable information, which could help you be better prepared when dealing with your financial arrangements. Whether we explain basic principles, debunk financial myths, or provide general tips, this page is an opportunity for us to share our thoughts which can help you make better financial decisions.

But to be clear. We’re not providing personal advice here (you have to pay for that I’m afraid!) and any arrangements that you make having read these pages are entirely your own affair.

We don’t believe in forecasting the future, and in the event that we discuss specific products, funds or assets here, our opinion should be taken as that, our opinion and not a personal recommendation to buy or sell.

The Paradise Papers

I saw a tweet today by Gemma Godfrey, which summarised an element of the Paradise Papers tax furore into 140 characters. It went something like this: I thought it was great because only last weekend, whilst at a social engagement, I was introduced to someone new and inevitably the question of ‘what do you do for … Continued

Cash Flow Modelling – Planning Your Financial Freedom

Saving and investing is something that people do because it’s inherently sensible. You choose an arbitrary figure, based on what you think you can afford, then invest it without any real consideration as to what you actually need to do to meet your financial goals. For a lot of people that process is good enough … Continued

Buffet’s Bet Offers Valuable Lessons

For those of you who don’t know him, Warren Buffet is the 87-year-old American billionaire investor and philanthropist referred to by many as the most successful investor of all time. There’s a lot that we can all learn from his life and career but I’m here to tell you about one specific moment. Back in … Continued

Common Sense Money Advice List

It’s the end of summer and many of you will have enjoyed taking some time out from the normal routine to spend it with your family and friends. Or maybe you got away somewhere sunny, worked reduced hours or generally just appreciated the more laid back approach to life and work during the summer months. … Continued

Your Money and Your Brain

When students in the US were asked to assess the quality of their driving skills compared with other drivers in a survey, 93% of respondents rated themselves as above average. Statistically, that’s an impossibility and a prime example of the ‘overconfidence’ that so many people display in their own ability to complete various tasks. Have … Continued

Active Versus Passive Investing

by Alexandre Riley Active fund management is on the ropes. Until fairly recently I would be nigh on certain that if I looked at the statement of any new enquirers existing pension or investment account, propping it up I’d find a stack of expensive actively managed funds from a number of the most well-marketed investment providers. … Continued

Morningstar Investment Conference UK 2017

by Alexandre Riley I’ve attended the Morningstar Investment Conference in London every year in May since its inception in 2006, and I’ve seen its popularity rise during that time from an initial 50 or so delegates to somewhere close to 500 this year, making it one of the UK’s premier financial conferences. But this year, … Continued

Shark Attacks, Plane Crashes and Investment Risk

by Alexandre Riley Headline news about a British woman involved in a Shark Attack on the BBC website this week got me thinking about investment risk. The media loves a good shark attack story because it feeds into everyone’s natural fears, even though the chances of it happening are virtually indistinguishable from zero, with the … Continued

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