Investment Risk | Bunker Riley Financial Planning

This is our blog page where we hope to pass on valuable information, which could help you be better prepared when dealing with your financial arrangements. Whether we explain basic principles, debunk financial myths, or provide general tips, this page is an opportunity for us to share our thoughts which can help you make better financial decisions.

But to be clear. We’re not providing personal advice here (you have to pay for that I’m afraid!) and any arrangements that you make having read these pages are entirely your own affair.

We don’t believe in forecasting the future, and in the event that we discuss specific products, funds or assets here, our opinion should be taken as that, our opinion and not a personal recommendation to buy or sell.

How Much Exposure Do You Have to Russian Stocks?

Some of you might be wondering about the depth of your exposure to companies on the Russian stock market. Whether you’re worried about the financial impact of being invested in Russian companies or prefer not to from a moral standpoint, I hope this piece will clarify your position. But first, let’s put this in perspective. … Continued

Two Truths About Inflation

UK inflation rose by 2.5% in the 12 months to June 2021. In the US the new rate is 5.4%. The impact of which I found out recently when I went to the local pub for an eye wateringly high £6 pint! Roll out the media’s widespread inflation analysis, and personal finance articles offering help … Continued

What Tony Hawk Can Teach Us About Risk

In 1989, I was a teenage skateboarder. When school closed for summer, I’d be outside on my board every day. From sunrise to sunset my friends and I would explore London, visiting the very few skateable locations available to us at that time. It was a brief but hugely enjoyable period of my youth, and … Continued

Why Should You Own Bonds?

Most investors can’t see the wood for the trees. And the latest hot topic for over-analysis is the potential for rising economic growth, inflation and interest rates to negatively impact Bonds. You all own Bonds via our portfolios, so it’s not irrelevant news. But it is worth understanding why you own Bonds in the first … Continued

GameStop & Fear of Missing Out

On Wednesday, my son Guy came into my home office after a day of homeschooling. On my screen, I had a meme open about US retail company, GameStop, who’ve dominated the financial news and social media this week. It’s a fascinating story with multiple players, layers and a plot that will likely fill a soon … Continued

When a Balanced Risk Investment is not Balanced

The word ‘balance’ is defined by Oxford Languages as “an even distribution of weight, enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady”. In mathematics ‘balanced’ is defined as “when both sides have the same quantity or mass”. Of course, you already know this. But balanced is also a term encountered regularly in finance. It’s … Continued

Stay in Your Lane

Remember when oil prices went negative a few weeks ago? How is that even possible? I mean I get it now, but I couldn’t have comprehended it before the event. Below is a short extract from a story I read this week in Bloomberg News on how it played out for one person. It might … Continued

Diversification – The Results

Most investors know they should ‘not put all of their eggs into one basket’. And anyone with a competent financial adviser will have been advised to manage their portfolio ups and downs by spreading investments globally, as well as allocating to different asset classes. The main assets being cash, stocks and bonds. With stock markets … Continued

Is It Safe To Invest Right Now?

As we start the new decade, you may have taken some time to look back at the last ten years and consider how much has changed both personally and financially. You might even have thought about the next ten. And after what has been a stellar recent decade for the global stock market1 with a … Continued

News Update – Property Funds

Britain’s favourite topic. Property. But I’m not talking about the residential property that you and I live in, or the buy to let market. This update is about the current uncertainty in property investment funds, which pool investors’ money together so they can all invest in a portfolio of commercial property including industrial warehouses, office … Continued

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