Financial Planning | Bunker Riley Financial Planning

This is our blog page where we hope to pass on valuable information, which could help you be better prepared when dealing with your financial arrangements. Whether we explain basic principles, debunk financial myths, or provide general tips, this page is an opportunity for us to share our thoughts which can help you make better financial decisions.

But to be clear. We’re not providing personal advice here (you have to pay for that I’m afraid!) and any arrangements that you make having read these pages are entirely your own affair.

We don’t believe in forecasting the future, and in the event that we discuss specific products, funds or assets here, our opinion should be taken as that, our opinion and not a personal recommendation to buy or sell.

The 6 Types of Wealth

Welcome back! It’s a New Year, and if you’re planning on making some financial changes, just remember, ‘wealth’ goes well beyond money. There’s: Financial Wealth (Money) Social Wealth (Relationships) Time Wealth (Freedom) Physical Wealth (Health) Mental Wealth (Mind) Shared Wealth (Community) Clearly, it’s important to get your finances under control. But what’s the point of … Continued

A Fresh Start

Summer is a distant memory. The children are back at school or University, and from what I’ve experienced many of you have turned your attention to getting things done. The change in season is a useful trigger for making a personal change, as Katy Milkman explains in her excellent and very readable new book ‘How … Continued

What is Financial Advice?

On Sunday I caught up with Rational Reminder, one of my favourite podcasts on sensible investing and financial decision making. At the 18 min 40 sec mark of Episode 142: What is Financial Advice? one of the hosts, Ben Felix, considered a question recently asked of him. It’s a great question! Why would I, a … Continued

Life Expectancy – You Are Not Average

That’s my parents on the cover picture. Today my dad turns 98! Yep, you read that right. My dad is 98. Not my grandfather, my dad. He’s in pretty good shape and continues to live an engaged, active and independent life. My mum, although younger, is still a good 86. When my dad was born … Continued

The US Presidential Election

Today is the day of the US presidential election and this one feels particularly important, even though in reality they ALL should be. There are some monumental issues at stake and the outcome will likely set the tone not just for the next four years, but beyond. I’m no US political expert but I’m emotionally … Continued

Running to Chartered Financial Planner

In the autumn of 2013 I started running to get fit after a long summer of beer and BBQ. I didn’t know at the time but the decision to run a solitary mile on that sunny September morning would be the catalyst for my qualification as a ‘Chartered Financial Planner’. After a few idle years … Continued

The Psychology of Money

Now and again, a finance book comes along that I think is worth sharing with clients. Released this month ‘The Psychology of Money’ by Morgan Housel, is one of those books. I’ve read a lot of finance books. Many unfinished. Recommending very few because they’re often too niche, academic or dry. I’m happy to read … Continued

What Next?

Recession. What next? Well, I was going to write something original, but I read a great piece by fellow financial planner and friend of mine Matt Aitchison at Clear Vision Financial Planning. His own note to clients touched on all the points I would likely make myself. So, I thought why reinvent the wheel? With … Continued

A New Definition of Wealth

In a change to my regularly written missive, I bring to you a short video conversation I had with the author, academic and behavioural finance expert Brian Portnoy Ph.d CFA. Brian regularly speaks on and coaches financial wellness across the globe. In his two books, The Investor’s Paradox and The Geometry of Wealth, he tackles the challenges … Continued

Stay in Your Lane

Remember when oil prices went negative a few weeks ago? How is that even possible? I mean I get it now, but I couldn’t have comprehended it before the event. Below is a short extract from a story I read this week in Bloomberg News on how it played out for one person. It might … Continued

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